Our Mission
The Sorrowful Mother Shrine was established in 1850 by Fr. Francis de Sales Brunner, a priest of the Society of the Most Precious Blood (now called the Missionaries of the Precious Blood) for the purpose of fostering devotion to the Mother of God under the title of the Sorrowful Mother. The Shrine is located in a quiet and peaceful forest setting reflecting places of pilgrimage in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany, and welcoming all who come.
Today, the Missionaries of the Precious Blood continue the work of Fr. Brunner by fostering devotion to the Sorrowful Mother as well as devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ and St. Gaspar del Bufalo, the Herald and Mystic of the Precious Blood, and founder of the order of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.
Through shrine ministry priests and brothers of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood offer:
- Daily Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Various Marian devotions
- Spiritual guidance and direction
- Respect for and encouragement of the vibrant expression of the Gospel and love for the Blessed Mother found in the rich cultural heritage of the Church
- Striving to breathe with both lungs of the Church, Eastern and Western
- Precious Blood hospitality to all in the spirit of St. Gaspar
- And commitment in their love for the Mother of God, applying the merits of His Blood to all works.
Mission of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood
The Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Society of the Most Precious Blood / Congregatio Missionariorum Pretiosissimi Sanguinis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi) is a Congregation of Apostolic life of pontifical right with its own constitution and statutes. It is an international and multicultural congregation of priests, brothers and definitively incorporated candidates who form a fraternal community.
We honor the Precious Blood in the celebration of the liturgy, in contemplative prayer, exercises of piety and study. Through these means we seek to live the spirituality of the Precious Blood more fully, to understand its relevance for humankind today, and to share this gift with the Church and the world through our various ministries.
The apostolic life of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood finds its source in the Precious Blood, the mystery of Christ who gives His Blood for the salvation of all. “In this devotion” states our founder, St. Gaspar Del Bufalo, “we go to the heart of our faith.” The Spirituality of the Precious Blood is manifested in many ways. The Blood of Christ is the most profound sign of the Paschal Mystery.
By a special devotion, the Missionaries of the Precious Blood honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Lady of the Precious Blood, St. Gaspar our Founder, the herald of the Precious Blood, and St. Francis Xavier our Patron.
The Missionaries of the Precious Blood take part in the apostolic mission of the Church by proclaiming the mystery of Christ who has redeemed and reconciled all human beings in His Blood to make them sharers in the Kingdom of God.